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7 Ways to Find Zen When You Eat


mindful eating tipsOkay, so this is a not-so sneaky ploy to remind you that our new site Fit Bottomed Zen has launched and is LIVE! But don’t worry, you really can find zen on your dinner (or breakfast or lunch or salad or dessert) plate. And you don’t have to eat anything illegal to get there. Here’s how — seven mindful eating tips that have been tried and tested by yours truly over the years!

7 Mindful Eating Tips

1. Begin with cooking. To really get into the mindful-eating mindset, start with some mindful cooking. As you plan and prepare your meal, put on some good tunes, admire the beauty of your ingredients and be 100 percent present as you chop, dice and sautee. We spend so much time going through the motions without really paying attention to what we’re doing. Slow down and be present in every action. As your mind wanders to your to-do list, gently bring it back to the task at hand. There’s actually beauty in something repetitive, like chopping! (Plus, um, it pays to be alert when you’re wielding a knife.)

2. Arrange your plate beautifully. Now is the time to treat your food with ultimate respect. Bust out the real, nice dishes you save for company. Pretend like you’re on Top Chef and place your food on your plate like it’s art. Make the entire process just feel luxuriously gorgeous. You deserve it.

3. Create the right environment. Now that your plate is purdy, make sure the mood is right. Do you have the right playlist on? Could you lower the lights and light a candle? At the very least, can you clean off the table so the only thing that has your attention is your meal?

4. Say grace. Whether or not you’re religious, take a second to tell your food “thank you.” Take a deep breath. Find gratitude for having such a wonderful meal in front of you (I mean, it IS amazing, right?). Think for a few seconds about how well this food will fuel your body.

5. Experience your food. Don’t just slow down and eat your food, but really taste it. Like in our chocolate meditation, focus on the textures, mouthfeel and different flavors. Be curious about it. Put your fork down between bites. Pause for a drink. If you’re dining with someone, stop chewing for a bit and focus only on what they’re saying. Linger. Enjoy.

6. Check in with your hunger and fullness levels. You know that hunger and fullness chart we love so much in these parts? Use it to help guide when you’re really satiated and finished eating. It’s just another way to be mindful and respectful of your body. (And don’t be surprised if you feel full more quickly than usual — when you really pay attention and honor those hunger and fullness levels, it’s game — er — dinner changer!)

7. Thank yourself. Being mindful isn’t about being perfect or doing it “right.” It’s a process. So no matter how much you rocked or struggled with implementing these mindful eating tips, give yourself props for trying them. And thank your body for all that it does for you. Then, go do the wishes with the same mindset you had in tip one. (Yes, you can find zen even when doing the dishes!)

How zen are your meals? The more you follow these tips, the more of a habit mindful eating becomes. Want more mindful eating tips and conscious living ideas? Go check out Fit Bottomed Zen! (You know we had to plug it again …) —Jenn

The post 7 Ways to Find Zen When You Eat appeared first on Fit Bottomed Eats.

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